Friday, January 30, 2015

With Everyone

from the ethically besieged Governor of our fair state (live press conference here as I type) to out-of-touch state legislators willing to ignore the Will of the People, marijuana in Oregon is poised to become an expensive commodity, and the War on Drugs will continue unabated, albeit with larger exemptions.

My non-lawyer friends--and even many of them, who should know better--have relaxed to the point of giddiness.

In the meantime, reefer-madness rhetoric about Protecting The Children (and I have to side with master Carlin on this one) and other profoundly disproven theories are trotted out yet again to create a regulatory scheme fostering marijuana for non-poor white people.

In order to create reasonable regulations, the pro-pot science must be on the record.

We currently strive to make it so.
